Remote control#

All widgets that send osc messages respond to the same messages. Additionnaly, Open Stage Control responds to some general osc commands.

/EDIT id options#

Apply a set of options to an existing widget by replacing the old ones with the new ones.

Editing a widget can be cpu expensive, hence updating the UI continuously is not a good idea

/EDIT/MERGE id options#

Apply a set of options to an existing widget by merging them to the widget's options.

Editing a widget can be cpu expensive, hence updating the UI continuously is not a good idea


Undo editing action


Redo editing action

/EDIT/GET target id#

Sends back a widget's data (JSON stringified object), including its children, to specified target.

Replies /EDIT/GET id data

/EDIT/GET target address preArg1 preArg2 ...#

Sends back a widget's data (JSON stringified object), including its children, to specified target.

Replies /EDIT/GET address preArg1 preArg2 ... data

/GET target id#

Sends back a widget's value to specified target.

Replies /GET id value

/GET target address preArg1 preArg2 ...#

Sends back a widget's value to specified target.

Replies /GET address preArg1 preArg2 ... value


Same as /GET but uses the widget's address instead of /GET to reply.

/SET target id value#

Set a widget's value as if it was interacted with from the interface. This is likely to make it send its value.

/SET address preArg1 preArg2 ... value#

Set a widget's value as if it was interacted with from the interface. This is likely to make it send its value.

/STATE/GET target#

Sends back the app's state to specified target

/STATE/SET state#

Set widgets' state


Save the state of all widgets in the temporary slot.


Reload saved state from the temporary slot.

/TABS id id etc#

Open the tabs designated by the id parameters.