Custom module#

Writing a custom module#

Using the -c / --custom-module command-line switch, users can load a javascript file to tune the way Open Stage Control behaves regarding osc.

// Do whatever you want, initialize some variables, declare some functions, ...

module.exports = {

    init: function(){
        // this will be executed once when the osc server starts

        // Filter incomming osc messages

        var {address, args, host, port} = data

        // do what you want

        // address = string
        // args = array of {value, type} objects
        // host = string
        // port = integer

        // return data if you want the message to be processed
        return {address, args, host, port}


        // Filter outgoing osc messages

        var {address, args, host, port} = data

        // same as oscInFilter

        // return data if you want the message to be and sent
        return {address, args, host, port}


Available globals#

The module is executed in a restricted context, only a few globals are available :

sendOsc and receiveOsc expect arguments formatted as follow:

send and receive are shorthands for sendOsc and receiveOsc that don't require args to be formatted as objects (numbers are casted to floats by default):

// calling
send('', 5555, '/test' 1, 2, {type: 'i', value: 3})

// equals
    host: '',
    port: 5555,
    address: '/test',
    args: [
        {type: 'f', value: 1},
        {type: 'f', value: 2},
        {type: 'i', value: 3},

Managing big modules#

Custom modules don't let you use node's require function at runtime, but you can manage your sources in multiple files and bundle them into a single file before loading it in Open Stage Control.

The common pattern for this is using the browserify library:

1. define some variable in number.js

module.exports = 42

2. retreive it in your main module file (main.js):

var num = require('./number.js')

module.exports = {
    init: function(){
        console.log(num) // 42
    oscInFilter: function(data){
        // etc

3. bundle your sources into custom-module.js:

browserify main.js -o custom-module.js --standalone module.exports